How an app like this gets past the screeners at The App Store is a definite cause for concern, because both the product description and the screenshots are highly deceptive. Heres why:
If you read the copy touting the greatness of this app, and if you view the screenshots, youll get the impression this app allows you to customize a lot of really cool looking stickers. In fact, youll KEEP thinking that right up until the moment you try to actually customize a sticker by double-tapping on the text, and you find your only options are to either rotate or delete the sticker. Nothing else.
You may assume, as I did, that the program is a little buggy. Because surely this customizable app doesnt force you to use stickers which advertise the app itself, such as the broken English found on the one saying, "Stickrs awesome."
But after double-tapping the text 20 or 30 times, (with the same Rotate/Delete options popping up every time), it slowly dawns on you that you just PAID Bucket Labs 2 dollars for the privilege of advertising their app for them on your photos.
Yep, they suckered you, alright! Took your money and gave you nothing like what was claimed in the app sales page. Those goofy little nonsensical stickers that you see in the photos -- you know, the ones you THOUGHT were just samples, which you could later change to say whatever you wanted -- turned out to be your only options. So much for customization, huh?
I should have known from the Version 1.1 update description that this app was hastily prepared and not ready for release. The very first item in the release says, "Bug fixes aplenty!" Translation: "We released software with plenty of bugs, and sold it to you anyway!"
The company should probably use a toilet for its name, rather than a bucket, because I feel like I just flushed my money right down the crapper. Which also happens to be where the reputation of the people at Bucket Labs is currently residing, for scamming us all.
And for the record, I find the sticker that says "Oh, Jesus!" to be offensive. I think any company that denigrates other peoples religion as a means to hawk a (buggy) product is not a company worth supporting. Try advertising your wares with a sticker that denigrates Mohammed, and see how far that gets you with Muslims, Bucket Labs. I guarantee theyll make sure you and your company kicks the bucket real soon.
My very first sticker is going to say, "I want my two dollars back." Because I got snookered and suckered by Stickr.
Pro App Reviews about Stickr